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来源:兆龙留学时间:2012-11-19 点击量:


  School of Business Studies & Humanities 商学与人文学院

  ? The largest school at DKIT 我校最大的学院之一

  ? Links with more than 40 partner colleges 已与海外34所大学建立合作伙伴关系

  ? Many excellent and imaginative courses 开设了多个优秀的富有创造力和想象力的专业

  Business Programmes 商科系

  ? Bachelor of Business (Hons) in Accounting and Finance 金融财会

  ? 3-year Honors Degree 3年获得荣誉学士学位

  ? Maximum ACCA exemptions ACCA最多免考资格

  ? Bachelor of Business(Hons) 商学荣誉学士学位

  ? 3-year Honors Degree 3年获得荣誉学士学位

  ? Bachelor of Business in Business & Information Systems 商业信息系统

  Apply IT skills directly to business setting 将IT技能应用到商业活动中

  ? Bachelor of Business (Hons) in Public Relations 公共关系

  ? Bachelor of Business (Hons) (Add-on) 商学

  ? Bachelor of Business in Management & Administration 工商行政管理+金融财会双学位

  Maximum ACCA exemptions ACCA最多免考资格

  Hospitality Programmes 酒店管理系

  ? BBS in Hospitality Management 国际酒店管理

  ? BBS in Event Management 会议会展管理

  ?HC in Culinary Arts烹饪艺术

  Humanities Programmes 人文系

  ? BA in Performing Arts 表演学

  ? BA(Hons) in Humanities 人文学

  ? BA (Hons) in Social Care 社会关爱

  School of Informatics & Creative Arts 信息、音乐与创新艺术学院

  ?Offer new, exciting and innovative courses suitable for the economic and social needs of 21st Century 开设创新型、令人振奋的课程,顺应21世纪社会经济发展需求

  ? Producing graduates with technical and creative skills 培养创新型、高科技人才

  Computing Programs 计算机系

  ? BSc (Hons) in Interactive Entertainment 互动式娱乐

  ? BSc (Hons) in Computing 计算机

  ? BSc (Hons)in Computing in Games Development 计算机游戏开发

  ? BSc (Hons) in Computing with English 计算机与英语交流

  ? BSc in Software Development 计算机软件开发

  ? BSc in Applications and Support 计算机应用与支持

  ? BSc in Networking and Support 计算机网络与支持

  ? BSc in IT Management (Add-on) IT管理

  School of Informatics & Creative Arts 信息、音乐与创新艺术学院

  ? Offer new, exciting and innovative courses suitable for the economic and social needs of 21st Century 开设创新型、令人振奋的课程,顺应21世纪社会经济发展需求

  ? Producing graduates with technical and creative skills 培养创新型、高科技人才

  Creative Multimedia, Video & Film & Applied Music Programmes 创新多媒体、影视、音乐系

  ? BA(Hons)in Communications in Creative Multimedia(Add-on )通讯创新多媒体

  ? BA(Hons) in Video and Film Production(Add-on )影视制作

  ? BA (Hons)in Applied Music 应用音乐

  ? BA in Communications in Multimedia通讯多媒体

  ? BA in Video and Film Production 影视制作

  ? Summer Campus音乐、艺术、影视夏令营

  School of Engineering 工程学院

  ? Teach you to have the best knowledge and skills required to work in this industry 学习工程业工作所需的最先进的专业知识

  ? Combine the design, analysis, and/or construction of works for practical purposes 集设计、分析、实践为一体

  ? Use knowledge of science, mathematics, and appropriate experience to find suitable solutions to a problem. 利用所学的科学、数学及相关知识,找到解决问题的方案

  ? BSc(Hons) in Building Surveying 建筑测量

  ? BSc(Hons) in Building Surveying (Add-on) 建筑测量

  ? BSc(Hons) in Engineering Entrepreneurship (Add-on)工程企业管理

  ? BEng(Hons) in Sustainable Design (Add-on) 可持续工程设计

  ? BSc in Construction Technology 建筑技术

  ? BEng in Civil Engineering 土木工程

  ? BEng in Mechanical Engineering 机械工程

  ? BEng in Electrical & Electronic Systems 电子电气工程

  School of Health & Science 健康与科学学院

  Offering an exciting range of programmes in a friendly and supportive environment


   BSc (Hons) in Biopharmaceutical Science (Add-on) 生物制药科学

  BSc (Hons) in Environmental Biology (Add-on) 环境生物学

   BSc (Hons) in Sustainable Agriculture (Add-on) 可持续农学

  BSc in Veterinary Nursing (Hons) 兽医护理学

   BSc (Hons) in Health and Physical Activity 健康与体育运动

  BSc in Pharmaceutical Science 制药科学

  BSc in Applied Bioscience 应用生物科学

     BSc in Agriculture 农学

   BA (Hons)in Early Childhood Studies 早期幼儿教育



  ★ 预科(两个学期):雅思4.5或DKIT考试40%个别课程要求45%以上),6700欧元(含保险),每年1月、9月开课。

  ★ 小预科(一个学期):雅思5.5或DKIT考试55%(个别课程要求60%以上),学费3000欧元,每年2月、6月开课。


  1. 高三在读或高中毕业,平均成绩75分以上

  2. IELTS5.5分以上或DKIT入学考试60分以上(个别课程要求雅思6.0或DKIT测试65%以上)



  2. IELTS6.5分以上


  ★ 免费发放爱尔兰手机卡,方便学生和家长联络;

  ★ 免费提供24小时接机服务;

  ★ 为中国学生免费安排学校住宿。



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版权所有:北京兆龙留学 www.chinazhaolong.com

联系电话:010-58702811 E-mail: partner@chinazhaolong.com


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