美国行业精品实习项目旨在帮助准留学生与新留学生通过实践提前了解美国职场。北京兆龙留学利用遍布全美各行业的强大资深导师资源,为每一位准留学生、新留学生量身设计美国前沿行业标准的项目实习,帮助学生最大化提升美国职场需求的各项能力,并在学生完成 项目后为其出具推荐信。


即将申请美国留学,需要提升经历的学生; 已在美国留学,需要美国职场实战经验的学生。


项目实习费用:3,000 美金
项目升级费用( 网申推荐人)
2,000 美金(项目导师作为网申推荐人, 完成推荐至 6 所学校)。每增加一所学校再增加 400 美金。



学生根据自身专业和需求,选择感兴趣的项目和导师, 同时决定是否升级购买精英导师推荐信网申提交服务。




根据通过面试的学生的面试结果及学生预期的发展方向, 结合不不同导师对学生的能力要求,精准匹配精英导师。




①.根据学生在实战项目中的表现,精英导师为学生出具个性化的推荐信并签字,并帮助升级项目的学生完成6所网申提交。 ②.如导师不不同意帮助实习表现差的学生提供网申提交,则 退还升级项目时收缴的款项。
美国行业精品实习项目推荐 了解详情


项目题目:Data Analyst / Data Science “Scikit-learn” Models Training
【年级要求】大二及以上 【GPA要求】3.0 以上
ZW 导师,美国苹果公司数据科学家
The goal of this training is to provide the most useful skillsets and intuition that are required to entry into the job market for data analyst or scientist positions. It will focus on important things that will be used frequently in daily work and how to read and find resource when you are facing an analytical task.
  • 课程大纲简介

    【Session 1】Introduction of working environment and Python for Data Science
    【Session 2】Introduction of Big data environment
    【Session 3】Data Visualization, reporting and pipeline & most common data analysis task
    【Session 4】What you must know for Interviews


项目题目:Data Analyst/Science Hands-on
【年级要求】大二及以上 【GPA要求】3.0 以上
XC 导师,美国苹果公司数据科学家
This series of classes cover the most important four sections of skills needed by data analyst and business analyst positions. It will provide very strong fundamental knowledge and great initiation of data analyst career path. The mock interview will give you a good intuition of howto deal with interviewers and how to behave yourself well.
  • 课程大纲简介

    【Session 1】Introduction of Database and Big Data Environment
    ●Basic database query   ●Setup SQL server   ●Advanced SQL language: sub-query, with and window function   ●Query Optimization   ●Introduction of Big Data Environment: AWS, Spark, Hadoop   ●Git for code version control   ●Reading assignment & homework
    【Session 2】Introduction of Statistics & Machine Learning
    ●Basic probability & Conditional probability   ●Hypothesis testing   ●Linear regression & KNN problem and so on   ●Usage of R and Python   ●Reading assignment & homework
    【Session 3】Introduction of Computer Science
    ●Basic data structure: stack, list, array, hash map, dictionary and so on.    ●Basic Java coding    ●Simple algorithm problems and complexity.    ●Homework of session 3 and assignment to prepare
    【Session 4】Data Visualization/Story Teller skill & mock interview
    ●Presentation of data visualization and story teller   ●Combination of previous three sessions to solve real problem   ●Design of experiment and project management intuition   ●No-press quiz of all previous sessions   ●Behavior questions preparation   ●Sample interview questions from big companies


项目题目:General Ledger and Financial Reporting Practice
【年级要求】大一及以上 【GPA要求】3.0 以上
Dr. GZ 导师,美国德勤咨询数据分析经理
ERP 系统项目,Enterprise Resource Planning 系统在会计中的的使用。会计部门如何利 用 ERP 系统优化自己的工作。现代社会越来越看重操作系统在会计和商业领域的使用。 ERP 系统就是一个企业资源管理的系统之一。本项目通过四次辅导和学生亲自上手练习,让学生掌握 ERP 和会计中数据分析的工具方法,了解到数据分析在会计中的重要性。本项目是会计行业的最前沿的一个项目。学生通过本项目能够接触到最前沿的 ERP 知识。
  • 课程大纲简介

    【Session 1】Accounting and financials in the US Corporate world
    【Session 2】Introduction of Information technology
    【Session 3】ERP system overview
    【Session 4】Hands-on practices on general ledger and financial reporting


项目题目:Excel Practical Hands On
【年级要求】大一及以上 【GPA要求】3.0 以上
Dr. CC 导师,美国安永经理
本项目为以会计为基础的 Excel 项目。Excel 在会计中是必不可少的一个工具。本项目旨 在给学生训练 Excel 相关技能,为学生在技术上打好基础。本项目包含所有在美国的会计 所需要的 Excel 上手的技能,还包含更深入的 Excel 数据处理技能。学生通过本项目会了 解并锻炼自己的实战 Excel 技能,在真实工作中有所发挥。
  • 课程大纲简介

    【Session 1】Introduction
    【Session 2】Excel I
    【Session 3】Excel II
    【Session 4】On job coaching


项目题目:Hospital Contract Pricing
【年级要求】大二及以上 【GPA要求】3.5 以上
Dr. TF 导师,美国 UnitedHealthcare 高级经理,曾为数家 500 强企业提供咨询服务。
本项目旨在教授精算学生如何利用精算知识帮助医疗保险公司给医院费用定价。本项目包含了相关精算知识的运用,以及如何将相关精算知识运用到实际的操作中,尤其是如何将 精算知识运用到保险价格制定中。通过本项目,精算学生能够更加了解保险公司定价的原理,为今后去保险公司打下基础
  • 课程大纲简介

    【Session 1】Medical Insurance Overview
    【Session 2】Hospital Contract Payment Overview – Part I
    【Session 3】Hospital Contract Payment Overview – Part II
    【Session 4】Hospital Contract Repricing


项目题目:Facing a Non-Market Issue
【年级要求】大二及以上 【GPA要求】3.0 以上
JH 导师,JD,全球最大外汇交易商 Gain Capital (Forex.com)交易员分析师。从事外汇黄金的现货差价合约交易超过五年。有丰富的金融衍生品交易经验。曾经带领交易团队连续一年保持月盈利 2-3%以上。
本项目旨在帮助 MBA 学生或者想学管理和咨询的学生了解咨询行业的一个典型案例。本案例学习包含真实情景,以及学生需要通过本真实情景做的事情。通过这个项目,学生能 够学到如何分析案子,如何使用逻辑思维解决问题,为学生去咨询公司打下基础。
  • 课程大纲简介

    【Section 1】Step One of Working with a Case
    ●Given a specific case scenario   ●Identify the Issues   ●Identify the stakeholders   ●Identify the key interests
    【Section 2】Step Two of Working with a Case
    ●Given a specific case scenario   ●Analyze the Issues   ●Analyze the Interests   ●Analyze the Information   ●Identify the stakeholders
    【 Section 3】Step Three of Working with a Case
     ●Do a SWOT Analysis   ●What are the media and stakeholder influence   ●Advocacy activism checklist   ●Analyze Distributive Politics
    【 Section 4】Step Four of Working with a Case
    ●How to deal with the issues   ●How to balance interests   ●Negotiation Strategies


项目题目:Spectrum Analysis of Noises using Cell Phone
【年级要求】大二及以上 【GPA要求】3.0 以上
Dr. WZ 导师,美国西部数据(western digital)的资深工程师主管,精通微电子, 嵌入 式系统, 机器人技术等方向
This project targeted to discuss on how to develop a simple APP using Cell phone, a most common and standard embedded system, to implement the basic electrical engineering algorithm FFT with certain possible value in everyday life to analysis the spectrum and noise level in the environment, and maybe more.
  • 课程大纲简介

    【Course One】
    ●Short introduction on C/ASM   ●Basics of Embedded systems and C ASM programing   ●Interviews questions   ●Assignment: Learn how to write a simple app in cell phone;
    【Course Two】
    ●Programming without operating systems: Functions and Interrupts   ●Basics on Real-time operating systems: Tasks   ●Messaging mechanism, I/O, Timer   ●Assignment: compare the IOS and Android
    【Course Three】
    ●FFT and Fast FFT   ●Basics of Matlab programming   ●How to develop an algorithm using Matlab/C   ●Assignment: two versions of FFT in Matlab and C
    【Course Four】
    ●Project outline: how to analyze the noise level using FFT   ●Access the microphone and GUI   ●Outline of Objective Oriented Programming if needed   ●Assignment: Implement a Gui-based App to analyze the spectrum and noise level using FFT


项目题目:JP Morgan Derivatives Pricing Project
【年级要求】大一及以上 【GPA要求】3.0 以上
QW 导师,JP Morgan 摩根大通的北美大区金融分析师,也曾在美银美林, 汇丰银行 等知名金融公司工作。对投行及金融分析有很深入的经验和见解。
  • 项目介绍

    【Section 1】Most Commonly Traded Option Products & Pricing
    【Section 2】Common Option Strategies & Hedging
    【Section 3】Commonly Traded Swaps & Pricing 1
    【Section 4】Commonly Traded Swaps & Pricing 2


项目题目:Financial Analysis On Tesla
【年级要求】大一及以上 【GPA要求】3.0 以上
QW 导师,JP Morgan 摩根大通的北美大区金融分析师,也曾在美银美林, 汇丰银行 等知名金融公司工作。对投行及金融分析有很深入的经验和见解。
  • 项目介绍

    【Section 1】How to Read Three Financial Statements
    ●Balance Sheet   ●Income Statement   ●Statement of Cash Flows
    【Section 2】Difference and Connection of Three Financial Statements
    【Section 3】How to Contribute Value to Your Company by Financial Analysis
    【Section 4】Presentation and Story Telling Skills


项目题目:Goldman Sachs Fixed Income Products, Valuation & Analysis
【年级要求】高三及以上 【GPA要求】3.0 以上
QW 导师,JP Morgan 摩根大通的北美大区金融分析师,也曾在美银美林, 汇丰银行 等知名金融公司工作。对投行及金融分析有很深入的经验和见解。
Goals:●Collect and validate USD/EUR/GBP interest rate data, and compare the difference between currencies ●Calculate spot rates from par rates and built interest rate term structure ●Valued different types of bonds with built interest rate curves ●Build a spreadsheet model to value interest rate swaps (IRS)
  • 课程大纲简介

    【Section 1】How to Build Interest Rate Curves
    【 Section 2】Bond Types and Valuation
    【 Section3】 Fixed Income Derivatives 1
    【Section 4】Fixed Income Derivatives 2


项目题目:JP Morgan - Merge and Acquisition (M&A) + Leverage Buyout (LBO)
【年级要求】大一及以上 【GPA要求】3.0 以上
QW 导师,JP Morgan 摩根大通的北美大区金融分析师,也曾在美银美林, 汇丰银行 等知名金融公司工作。对投行及金融分析有很深入的经验和见解。
  • 课程大纲简介

    【Section 1】Due Diligence
    【Section 2】M&A Model
    【Section 3】LBO Model
    【Section 4】M&A Pitch Book and Presentation


项目题目:Merrill Lynch Portfolio Management
【年级要求】大一及以上 【GPA要求】3.0 以上
QW 导师,JP Morgan 摩根大通的北美大区金融分析师,也曾在美银美林, 汇丰银行 等知名金融公司工作。对投行及金融分析有很深入的经验和见解。
  • 课程大纲简介

    【Section 1】 Investment Policy State (IPS)
    【Section 2】Select Asset Types per IPS
    【Section 3】Optimal Portfolio Construction
    【Section 4】Portfolio Risk Management


项目题目:Taxation: Research and Development Credit
【年级要求】大一及以上 【GPA要求】3.0 以上
KF 导师,KPMG 税务经理
  • 课程大纲简介

    【Section one】Introduction of R&D Credit
    【Section Two】Calculation
    1. Regular Method
      - Base Calculation   - Start-up firm Base calculation   - Prior Year Gross Receipt
    2. Alternative Simplified Credit Method (ASC Method)
    3. Wage Survey and Supply and Contractor Survey
    【Section Three】
    1. Control Group Rules (Section 41 (f)(1))
    2. Acquisition & Short year (Section 41(f)(3))
    【Section Four】
    1. Tax Forms
      - Federal (Form 6765)   - States (CA 3523, MA Schedule RC)
    2. Contract Review
    3. Excel functions


项目题目:Polaries Industry Inc. Analysis
【年级要求】大一及以上 【GPA要求】3.0 以上
EL 导师,Tesla 运营经理,曾任 Google 物流分析师
  • 课程大纲简介

    Suppose Polaris has plants that are open in Roseau, Monterrey, and China. The maximum annual capacities in the three plants are 5,500, 1,000, and 8,600, and the annual fixed costs at three plants are $4,000,000, $3,000,000 and $2,500,000 respectively. To decrease the reliance on any one supply location, Polaris decides on a policy of shipping no more than 4500 units per years from any plant to any distribution center. Construct an optimization model to determine the best way of meeting the demand at the three distribution centers.
    1. Why does Polaris outsource the manufacture of most components but insource final assembly? 10 points
    2. Which manufacturing location provides Polaris with the greatest cost savings? Use Net Present Value as your decision criteria. Assume a planning horizon offive years and a discount rate of 10%. 35 points
    3. Assuming all else is constant, would your recommendation change if foreign exchange rates increased or decreased by 15%? 10 points
    4. Assuming all else is constant, would your recommendation change if labor rates in Mexico increased by 20% annually rather than 7.1%? 10 points
    5. What other factors should Polaris keep in mind when making the manufacturing location distribution? 10points
    6. Do this part independent of the above except for using the per unit production and per unit transportation costs that use above. 25 points


项目题目:Human Capital Strageties
【年级要求】大一及以上 【GPA要求】3.0 以上
QW 导师,JP Morgan 摩根大通的北美大区金融分析师,也曾在美银美林, 汇丰银行 等知名金融公司工作。对投行及金融分析有很深入的经验和见解。
In this project, you will take a “deep dive” to consider the many challenging external trends andissues facing organizations and HR professionals. The primary objectives of this project are to (1) deepen your understanding of how competitive pressures and various other external forces influence the evolution of an organization’s approach to managing human resources, and (2) strengthen your ability to examine why certain companies outperform their competition and gain sustainable competitive advantage through the management of human capital, and (3) identify and propose HR solutions to the ongoing challenges posed by those external and organizational pressures. The intent is to develop your conceptual understanding of strategic human resource management and your capabilities so that you can create human resource strategies and integrate them with the business challenges you will face in HR.
  • 课程大纲简介

    Design an HR strategy building on the concepts of internal and external alignment. Select a company in a specific industry approved by the professor and develop an HR strategy to ensure its sustainable competitive advantage given the organizational and environmental challenges facing this firm.
    【Research I: 2-3 months】
    A. Conduct an in-depth analysis consisting of charts, trend data, survey results, etc. of the most impactful environmental trends facing this organization and describe the corresponding talent management implications.
    B. Provide a clear description of the organizational challenges facing this company including its business strategy, competitive advantage, employee concerns, and industry dynamics.
    【Research II 2-3 months】
    A. Describe how you will measure strategic success by providing a detailed strategy map
    【Research III 2-3 months】
    A. Describe what will be the focus of the HR function
    B. Identify the key competencies HR must possess.


项目题目:Chess Game Design in Java
【年级要求】大二及以上 【GPA要求】3.0 以上
Dr. KF 导师,美国银行量化分析部副总裁。曾帮助多名学生进入 FLAG 级别公司。
  • 项目介绍

    This series of classes is about implementing a chess game in Java using Greenfoot. You will learn from basic java concept, to more advanced object oriented programming skills. More interesting, it provides you a pre-defined GUI, which helps you to understand the code behind the scene.

    First, you need have java installed in your machine. It can be downloaded from: https://java.com/en/download/

    Second, we are using an interactive Java development environment designed primarily for educational purposes, Greenfoot. https://www.greenfoot.org/door

    It allows easy development of two-dimensional graphical applications, such as simulations and interactive games. It is free software, released under the GPL

    license. Greenfoot is available for Windows, OS X, Linux, Solaris, and any recent JVM. We provide you the initial setup and it looks like:

    It also contains a set of classes:
    Starting from here, you will build your own chess game.
    Design of this chess game is divided in to following modules:
      Board representation   Move representation   Piece representation Analyzer


项目题目:”Hangman” Game & “Tic Tac Toe” Game Development
【年级要求】大三及以上 【GPA要求】3.0 以上
Dr. KF 导师,美国银行量化分析部副总裁。曾帮助多名学生进入 FLAG 级别公司。
  • 项目介绍

    This series of classes is about implementing a PacMan game in Java using Greenfoot. You will learn from basic java concept, to more advanced object oriented programming skills. More interesting, it provides you a pre-defined GUI, which helps you to understand the code behind the scene.

    First, you need have java installed in your machine. It can be downloaded from: https://java.com/en/download/

    Second, we are using an interactive Java development environment designed primarily for educational purposes, Greenfoot. https://www.greenfoot.org/door

    It allows easy development of two-dimensional graphical applications, such as simulations and interactive games. It is free software, released under the GPL

    license. Greenfoot is available for Windows, OS X, Linux, Solaris, and any recent JVM. We provide you the initial setup and it looks like:


项目题目:Hadoop & Map Reduce
【年级要求】大三及以上 【GPA要求】3.0 以上
Dr. KF 导师,美国银行量化分析部副总裁。曾帮助多名学生进入 FLAG 级别公司。


Hadoop is indispensable when it comes to processing big data—as necessary to understanding your information as servers are to storing it. This course is your introduction to Hadoop, its file system (HDFS), its processing engine (MapReduce), and its many libraries and programming tools. Topics include: Understanding Hadoop core components; Setting up your Hadoop development environment; Working with the Hadoop file system; Running and tracking Hadoop jobs; Tuning MapReduce.
  • 课程大纲简介

    【Session 1】Hadoop Introduction Hadoop Introduction Virtual Machine Install Hadoop
    【Session 2】 HDFS Introduction to HDFS HDFS Project
    【Session 3】Java Environment Install Eclipse Install Mavern
    【Session 4】Map Reduce Introduction to Map Reduce Word Count
    【Session 5】Advanced Topics in Map Reduce Design Patterns in Map Reduce Summary Design Pattern Filter Design Pattern
    【Session 6】 Advanced Topics in Map Reduce Join Design Pattern


项目题目:Environmental Consultancy
【年级要求】大一及以上 【GPA要求】3.0 以上
Dr. CW 导师,创业家,知名大数据科技公司创始人,伯克利大学博士后。


The demand for environmental consultants is increasing exponentially as we start to better understand how we are affecting our environment. The Environmental Consultancy course is specially designed to give you the vital tools you need to start a successful career. Whether you are a student looking for the first career or a professional looking to start a new career, this could be a great change in your life. Do many or all of the following statements describe you?

You pay attention to details, and want to make a difference in the world.
You enjoy understanding how things work, and making sure that they work
You like to analyze things and collect data, making conclusions from that data.
You want to make a difference and help preserve our environment.

The Environmental Consultancy course will be offered in four sessions. After successfully completing the course, you will be able to confidently start this new and interesting career. Outstanding graduates will be referred by the instructor for job opportunities offered by top international environmental firms located in U.S. and China.
  • 课程大纲简介

    【Session 1】Introduction
    【Session 2】Technical Skills
    【Session 3】Consulting
    【Session 4】Case Study
    Problem solving, communication and specific technical skills will be honed in this session by solving a real-world environmental consulting project discussed and determined previously between the student and instructor. The goal is to armor the student with the right weapons to win the job interview.


【年级要求】大二及以上 【GPA要求】3.0 以上
Dr. KG 导师,Cisco 公司数据科学家,SoundBrite 联合创始人。


  • 课程大纲简介

    【Section 1】 Introduction to Biomedical Signal Analyses
    Biomedical Signals and Characteristics   Linear Dynamical System   Time Domain Signal Analysis   Frequency Domain Signal Analysis   Matlab code tutorial
    【Section 2】Nonlinear Dynamical System Analysis
    Nonlinear Dynamical System and Volterra Model   Volterra Kernel Expansion   Matlab code tutorial
    【Section 3】 Modeling the Neural Systems
    Hodgkin Huxley Equations    Spike-Train Data Analysis   Matlab code tutorial
    【Section 4】 Modeling the Hemodynamic System
    Introduction to the Hemodynamic System    Analyze the relationship of blood flow and blood velocity    Compare the linear and nonlinear Analysis   Matlab code tutorial


项目题目:Product Design Engineering
【年级要求】大二及以上 【GPA要求】3.0 以上
Dr. JY 导师,苹果公司高级材料分析师。


This training is designed to focus on the core elements of mechanical engineering without interrupting your study with too much noise. In this training, qualitative descriptions and analogies will be provided over rigorous math and laws. The goal of this training is to make mechanical engineering a real tool in your inventive, creative tool belt. I will help you to understand basic concepts that can inform the copious decision required when designing a real product. If you think you are a creator, a inventor, a pioneer, come and join me!
  • 课程大纲简介

    【Lecture 1】Design and Nontechnical Influences
    【Lecture 2】Material Mechanics and Materials
    【Lecture 3】Non-solid Mechanics
    【Lecture 4】Mechanical Systems and Components


项目题目:Mechanical Design and Product Development
【年级要求】大二及以上 【GPA要求】3.0 以上
Dr. YL 导师,Tesla 高级制造工程师,佐治亚理工机械工程博士。


  • 课程大纲简介

    【Session 1】Requirement Analysis
    Customer Requirement Analysis and User Data Analysis    Functional Requirement Analysis and Functional Diagram Development    Performance Requirements and Development of Measurable Goals
    【Session 2】 Concept Design
    Design Alternatives Generation   Design Evaluation and Technology Readiness Assessment   System Modeling
    【Session 3】 Embodiment Design
    Layout/Schematic Design    Design of Product Assembly    Design for Product Life Cycle
    【Session 4】 Detailed Design
    CAD Based Design   Structural Design   Design for Manufacturability


项目题目:”Hangman” Game & “Tic Tac Toe” Game Development
【年级要求】大三及以上 【GPA要求】3.0 以上
MY 导师,CFA,谷歌高级软件工程师。曾任职于美银美林投资银行,担任量化分析 师。曾于最短的时间内考取 CFA 执照。


【Session 1】 Introduction of Python and Its Usage in High Tech World
● Python Pros and Cons   ● Python Usage in High Tech world   ● Install/Setup Python   ● The Python Shell and IDLE   ● Case Study: Python Tips (List Comprehension etc) and Debugging in Python
【Session 2】 Data Structures and Algorithm in Python
● Basic Data Structures: list, dictionary, tuples, sets, strings.   ● Python Object-Oriented Class: Stacks, Queues   ● Sort and Search: Recursion vs Iteration, and various sorting algorithms in Python   ● Case Study: Python Iterators&Generators, Build a tree Iterator
【Session 3】 Python Game One: Hangman
● More Data Structures in Python: Linked Lists, Binary Search Tree, Graphs   ● More Algorithms in Python: Divide and Conquer,Depth First Search,Breadth First Search   ● Game Project: Hangman
【Session 4】 Python Game Two: Tic Tac Toe
● More Data Structures in Python: Heap   ● More Algorithms in Python: Greedy, Dynamic Programming   ● Game Project: Tic Tac Toe


项目题目:Game of Python - Finance/Quant Modeling
【年级要求】大二及以上 【GPA要求】3.0 以上
MY 导师,CFA,谷歌高级软件工程师。曾任职于美银美林投资银行,担任量化分析 师。曾于最短的时间内考取 CFA 执照。


【Session 1】 Introduction of Python and Its Usage in Finance World
● Python Pros and Cons   ● Python Usage in Finance/Quant world   ● Install/Setup Python   ● The Python Shell and IDLE   ● Case Study: Python Tips (List Comprehension etc) and Debugging in Pytho
【Session 2】 Data Structures and Algorithm in Python I
● Basic Data Structures: list, dictionary, tuples, sets, strings.   ● Python Object-Oriented Class: Stacks, Queues   ● Sort and Search: Recursion vs Iteration, and various sorting algorithms in Python   ● Case Study: Python Iterators&Generators, Build a tree Iterator
【Session 3】 Data Structures and Algorithm in Python II
● Advanced Data Structures: Linked Lists, Binary Search Tree, Graphs, Heap   ● Divide and Conquer, Depth First Search, Breadth First Search   ● Greedy, Dynamic Programming   ● Case Study: Build a Quant Model
【Session 4】 Python For Finance/Quant
● Python packages used in Finance/Quant: NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, matplotlib   ● Machine Learning Project in Python

项目方向:市场/ 营销

项目题目:Social Media Marketing
【年级要求】大一及以上 【GPA要求】3.0 以上
NJ 导师,DHC 美国高级市场分析师,曾在多家企业担任市场分析师。


The goal of this training is to help clients understand how social media connect and build relationships with customers as a more nuanced form of marketing channel, thereby raising the stakes in their digital marketing career.
  • 课程大纲简介

    【Session 1】 Overview of Social Media Marketing
    Social Media Definitions   Add Social Media to Marketing Mix   Develop Strategy    Conduct an A/B Test
    【Session 2】 Content Marketing: Social Media
    Introduction of Content Marketing    Types of Content for Social Media   Distributing Content on Social Media    Tips or Great Content Marketing with Social Media
    【Session 3】Social CRM (Manage Online Communities)
    Introduction to Community Building   Build Online Community   Grow Online Community   Measure Community’s Growth
    【Session 4】ROI of Social Media Marketing
    Social Media and Business Strategy   Challenges of Calculating ROI   Social Media Metrics   Analyze Social Media ROI   Measurement Tools

项目方向:市场/ 营销

项目题目:SEO ( Search Engine optimization)
【年级要求】大一及以上 【GPA要求】3.0 以上
NJ 导师,DHC 美国高级市场分析师,曾在多家企业担任市场分析师。


The goal of this training is help clients understand how SEO works and how SEO can increase site traffic and boom online business, thereby raising the stakes in their digital marketing career.
  • 课程大纲简介

    【Session 1】 Overview of SEO
    Introduction of SEO    Reading Search Engine Result Pages    Setting SEO Expectation   How SEO Affect the Buying Process Business
    【Session 2】 Researching Customers
    Understanding Exactly Who Customers Is    Creating Buyer Personas    Keyword Research   Competitor Research
    【Session 3】 Content Optimization
    Auditing for Site Usability and Structure   Link-Building Strategies   Utilizing SEO Best Practices   On-Page SEO Optimization
    【Session 4】 Measuring SEO Effectiveness
    Measuring SEO Performance   Analyzing Keywords   Analyzing Links   Measuring the Impact of Social Media

项目方向:市场/ 营销

项目题目:Pay- Per- Click Marketing ( Paid Search Marketing)
【年级要求】大一及以上 【GPA要求】3.0 以上
NJ 导师,DHC 美国高级市场分析师,曾在多家企业担任市场分析师。


The goal of this training is to help clients build a solid foundation to further develop expertise in Pay-Per- Click advertising and media buying, thereby raising the stakes in their digital marketing career.
  • 课程大纲简介

    【Session 1】 The Basic of Pay-Per- Click Advertising
    Course Overview   Introduction of PPC marketing   PPC’s Role in Marketing Mix   PPC Advertisers
    【Session 2】 Keywors
    Researching Keywords   Selecting Keywords   Selecting Keyword Match Types    Negative Keywords
    【Session 3】 Ad Copy
    PPC Copywriting Overview   Writing Compelling Ad Copy   Testing Ad Copy
    【Session 4】 PPC Campaign Management
    Setting up Campaigns    Targeting Options in Bing Ads and Google Adwords    Campaign Budgeting Tips   Ad Groups
    【Session 5】 Evaluating Performance and Optimizing
    Reviewing Metrics    Interpreting Results    Fixing Low Conversion Rates   Reducing High Bounce Rates

项目方向:市场/ 营销

项目题目:Email Marketing
【年级要求】大一及以上 【GPA要求】3.0 以上
NJ 导师,DHC 美国高级市场分析师,曾在多家企业担任市场分析师。


The goal of this training is to help clients understand how email marketing plays a role in digital marketing, how to use email marketing to find, engage, and convert audience and increase conversions and revenue for business, thereby raising the stakes in their digital marketing career.
  • 课程大纲简介

    【Session 1】Overview of Email Marketing
    Micro vs. Macro Goals   Email in Marketing Mix   Define the Customer Contact Journey   Tools
    【Session 2】 Manage Audience
    Build Email List    List Segmentation and Groups    Personalized Email   List Management and Maintenance
    【Session 3】 Create Email Campaign
    Branding Consistency    Design Format and Create Layout   Timing and Frequency
    【Session 4】 Maximizing Email Campaign Results
    Minimize Bounce Rates   Open and click-through Rates   A/B Testing   Email Campaign Automation   Spam Filters


项目题目:Law Project: Contract Law Case
【年级要求】大三及以上 【GPA要求】3.0 以上
JH 导师,JD,全球最大外汇交易商 Gain Capital (Forex.com)交易员分析师。从事外 汇黄金的现货差价合约交易超过五年。有丰富的金融衍生品交易经验。曾经带领交易团队连续一年保持月盈利 2-3%以上。


【Section 1】 Discovery of Facts:
Given a specific case scenario   Find out the line of events   Identify the stakeholders   Identify the key interests
【Section 2】 Discovery of Issues:
Analyze the Issues   Analyze the Conflict of Interests   Analyze the Causes of Actions
【Section 3】 Find out Relevant Legal Doctrines and Case Laws:
Relate the Issues to the relevant legal statutes   Relate the Issues to the relevant case laws   Analyze the potential personal and subject matter jurisdiction   Analyze the mandatory and persuasive case laws
【Section 4】 Concluding Analysis:
Based on the issues and laws, analyze the possible outcomes of the case   Provide strategies to resolve the case   Negotiation Strategies
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